Investment Opportunities To VC/ PE
  Few Investment Opportunities Offered
1.          Pentagram Research Centre Private Limited
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This company was known by the name Pentagram Research Corporation since 1993 and it was incorporated in February 1997 as a private limited company under the 1956 Indian Companies Act. Pentagram Research is dedicated to providing institutions, industries and research laboratories with comprehensive range of open-ended solutions in most of the areas related to Information Technology. The Scientists and Scholars of Pentagram Research are constantly involved in various major activities related to research, development, training and publications. Major areas of research of the company are:
Computer Vision
Space Applications
Digital Morphology
DNA Computing
Cellular Logic
Symbolic Computing
Image Algebra
Molecular Electronics
Virtual Reality
Subsurface Truth Evaluation
Pattern Recognition
Modeling and Simulation
Remote Sensing & GIS
Vedic Science & Philosophy
Neural Networks
Robotics and Automation
Artificial Intelligence
VLSI & Embedded Systems
Defense Applications
Major strength of Pentagram Research Centre lies in its self motivated research and in its sustained efforts in bringing out original scientific concepts. Some of the advanced functional groups of the company are: (i) Computer Vision group, (ii) Pattern Recognition and Analysis group, (iii) Modeling and Simulation group, (iv) Molecular Computing group, (v) Defense Studies group, (vi) Medical Informatics group, (vii) Space and Security group. About 26 original concepts in various areas related to Information Technology have been developed so far. More than 200 research papers have been published till now in national and international journals and in various conference proceedings. More than 10 books have been published by the Scientists and Researchers of the company. A number of graduate students
(M.S and Ph.D) from many Indian universities have carried out research and thesis works in the company. The company offers corporate training in advanced topics to sponsored candidates from leading companies and institutions in India.
Speed and precision are the two major factors of immediate concern to any one interested in developing algorithms for mission critical applications. Traditional theories and paradigms have indeed been used for meeting such requirements. However, the desired speed and precision were not achieved till now due to the fact that the traditional algorithms are essentially numerical in nature. Efforts were made to develop non-numeric algorithms for various applications which would ensure speed and precision. The essence of the results due to such effects is the formulation of a theory called "Cellular Logic Array Processing". This paradigm has been evolved using the fundamental notions of von Neumann's Cellular Spaces and Markov's Normal Algorithms. Research continues in various tenets of this paradigm. A number of fast algorithms have been developed to carry out desired operations on Signals and Images. Many products have been developed using such algorithms, among which the following three are of very high scientific and commercial values. Some of our products are: (i) LIPS (Logical Image Processing System), (ii) LPGS (Logical Pattern Generating System), (iii) MEDIMAGE (Medical Imaging System), (iv) LCCS (Logical Currency Checking System)
    Pentagram Research is engaged in consultancy work with many organizations of international repute which come under the following categories:
Academic institutions
Non-destructive testing laboratories
Automated factories
space surveillance agencies
Departments of Defense
Remote sensing and GIS agencies
Departments of Energy
Research laboratories
Forest resources evaluation centers
Robots manufactures
Geological survey and mapping agencies
Radiologists and medical imaging experts
Health care industries
RFID applications specialists
Biometrics experts
Transaction automation in banking
Computer hardware companies
Theoretical computing scientists
Organic computing scientists
Non-conventional energy experts
Vedic scholars
Mathematics, Logic and Philosophy    
    Pentagram Research was incorporated as a Private Limited Company under Indian Companies Act of the year 1956 on February 17, 1994 with two promoter directors on the board: (i) G. Chitra (Managing Director), (ii) Dr. E. G. Rajan (Director and Founder President)
Mrs. G. Chitra is the Founder Managing Director of the Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India. She is a Mathematician and a Scientist having about 29 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. She has a number of publications to her credit. She is graduated in Mathematics from the Madras University. She was a noted teacher in the campus of Aviation Research Centre, Government of India from 1977 to 1984. She was a Natural and Formal Language Specialist working in the research project of Machine Translation of Indian Languages in the Computer Science Department of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1990. She authored many research papers especially in the areas related to Automation. She conducted major International Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-2004, ICSCI-2005, ICSCI-2006, ICSCI-2007) respectively in the years 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. All these conferences had drawn the attention of many internationally reputed scientists, academicians, industrialists and students from all over the globe. Many Indian students benefited to a great extent from these conferences. While she is an academician and a scientist by profession and life style, she is also known for her capabilities in all matters related to business and administration. Recently, two major research centers have been approved by her, one Molecular Electronics Research Center and the other on Brain Research Center. Efforts are being made to take them up with collaborative support from foreign scientific organizations and the Government of India under the category of Bio Technology.
Prof. Dr. E. G. Rajan is the Founder President of the Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India. He is an Electronics Engineer and a Professor of Signal Processing having about 30 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. He has a number of publications to his credit. He is a professional member of ACM and he is an editor of the journal of AMSE, Barcelona, Spain. He received his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering, (Signal and Image Processing), from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, U.P., M.E. degree in Applied Electronics, from Madras University, the then famous DMIT in Electronics Engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology, Chromepet, Madras and B.Sc degree in Physics from Madras University. His contribution to the state-of-the-art of Electronic Warfare has been well recognized in the Government and industrial sectors. He was a noted teacher in the department of Electrical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He received Distinguished Scientist and Man of the Millennium Award from Who is Who Bibliographical Records, Cambridge, 2000. He authored many books like, Symbolic Computing – Signal and Image Processing, Electronic Order of Battle Records of Military Radars, Computers and Information Technology and Foundations of Information Technology. He is the father of a novel paradigm Symbolic Computing In the Framework of Markov’s Constructive Mathematical Logic. Two of his fifteen Ph.D scholars are involved in the design of digital circuits using organic molecules and some of them are working in the novel area of Genomic Signal Processing.
He has brought out more than 25 original concepts. One such concept is Codon Space, which advocates the theory of Life Forms as Subspaces of the Information Space called Codon Space. Another concept is a Mathematical Transform, which goes by his name as Rajan Transform. This transform is ideally used for Pattern Recognition and Analysis purposes. He leads the company in his own professorial style and the company is technically strong and steady.

Pentagram Research Centre Private Limited maintains in-house expertise in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Bio Technology and in domain specific areas like Automation, Electronic Warfare, Bio-Informatics, Molecular Electronics Research, Brain Research, Symbolic Computing and Vedic Sciences. Official communication could be made to us using the e-mail ID:

Recently, Pentagram Research has entered into an agreement with SUN Microsystems, U.S.A under SUN Partnership Program. The software products that have already been developed and those which are under development would be ported to the SOLARIS OS based SUN workstations and Sun Fire X2200 M2 dual-core server.

Well Known Venture Capitalist Indian Venture Capital Ltd. promoted by Dr. Bharat Kotecha a prominent business analyst/ investor has taken a substantial stake in the company and has shown a keen interest in our commercial activities.

Advanced project proposals like (i) AI based Oil Exploration, (ii) Solar cooling system, (iii) Molecular Electronics Research Centre (to develop molecular processors), (iv) Secured ATM transactions, (v) Brain to Computer Interface and Brain to Brain Communication (BCI and BBC), (vi) Flexinet (DNA based internet routing technology) are being sent to various interested agencies for possible joint ventures.

Pentagram Research Foundation (PRF) was started in the year 2005 with the idea of creating awareness especially among the Indian students, faculty, industries and society in fundamental and applied research in various disciplines. Where on one side there is a boom in Information Technology related commercial activities, on the other side, there is a sharp decline in research and development which we feel that would be a real stumbling block for a developing nation. After a series of discussions with many academicians and industrialists, we resolved in one of our board meetings that our company would promote research culture through an institution which we named as Pentagram Research Foundation.

    2.         GOLD MINING
    3.         DIAMOND MINING
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